Grow, Cook, Connect! Event report

Wed 4 Mar 2020

The report outlines a partnership approach to the promotion of healthy and affordable food to the public, building food knowledge, skills, resources and projects.

The event involved celebration of ongoing food works across the city under the key aims of growing, cooking and community cafes.

Which supports the strategic plans of the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership (ACHSP):

  • Prevention, resilience, communities and connection (AHSCP 2019-2022)
  • A Healthier Future-Scotland’s Diet and Healthy Weight Delivery Plan (Scottish Government 2018)

The report looks at the overall aim of the food event, number of attendees, key speakers at the event, a list of projects funded by the Health Improvement funding (HIF) and Aberdeen Food in Focus (FIF). And also , the different workshop sessions on the day targeted at addressing food issues and future recommendations in terms of areas of improvement.

Highlights of the event includes:

  • Invaluable networking opportunities
  • Hearing about local food projects
  • Speaking to wider partner organisations
  • Personal experiences from the speakers

Recommended areas for improvement include; increasing local knowledge of food activities ongoing within the city (map of activities), future food events to be done in localities to engage community members so that services provided will be reflective of community needs and to involve the big food supermarket chains.

The ACHSCP Granite City Good Food and executive group of Aberdeen Community Food Network (ACFN) commended the content of the report and agreed that emerging themes from the workshops will be considered and actioned where appropriate.