Anne and Bill’s dementia story

Wed 1 Jun 2022

#DementiaAwareness Week 2022 – Mon 30 May - Sun 5 June

Bon Accord Care Occupational Therapy (OT) department has played a key role in Bill and Anne’s dementia journey over the past three years, enabling Bill to stay at home for as long as possible.

Bill and Anne had been on this journey for over 10 years and Bill’s dementia was already advanced. Anne noticed a deterioration in Bill’s condition, and it was then that occupational therapy became involved. Bill thrives in the company of his family, and it was Anne’s wish for Bill to be cared for at home.

Anne said: “I’ve honestly found help and support all the way through bills 11-and-a-half-year dementia journey so far.

“In the earlier years the dementia resource centre was a great source of support. Here, we met others in the same position and made good friends. Latterly, our main source of help has come in the shape of our lovely occupational therapist Shelley, a young woman who came to visit us throughout lockdown. She helped me keep Bill at home.

“I’m now at the stage when I feel it’s time for Bill to be looked after in a nursing home and my new care manager is proving to be very supportive and understanding during this really difficult time for us as a family.”

Shelley Wilson, occupational therapist, Bon Accord Care said: “It has been a privilege working with Anne and Bill on their dementia journey and we are pleased to have been able to support them achieve their goal.”

For info on caring for someone with dementia, please click on link

24hr freephone Dementia helpline – 0808 808 3000.

For more info on Bon Accord Care
